1:13:18 – New Personal Best – 9th Overall
Power = 384 Watts / 5.11 W/Kg (101%)
Pace = 3:28 min/km (99%)
HR = 172 Bpm (96%)
I thought I would have been faster
The race went perfectly. I hit all my numbers, didn’t slow down, had good legs, and was able to push myself. BUT, I thought I would have been faster 😥.
Ten weeks ago, I did a lactate test which showed my “threshold” (LT2) was around 370W or 3:30min/km. I targeted that power output for my threshold sessions and measured my lactates to ensure I wasn’t overdoing it. Based on the data I got from my lactate test on Thursday, I knew my threshold had improved to 380W or 3:25min/km, which would give me a 1:12:05 finishing time.

I knew I was on for a good run based on how I felt in training. During the race, I was above my 380W power target. Plus, my heart rate was sitting around 170 bpm, well within Zone 4. All signs that I was “on”. So I was a little surprised when I came into the finish chute and saw 1:13 on the clock.
Being my first race in a while, I was focused on process, not outcome, so I wasn’t looking at my pace or time, just power and heart rate.
Conditions Matter
My data shows the impact of conditions and the course. As per Wellington, it was a windy day, which had me running 10sec/km slower for the same power during the headwind sections. Interestingly, I didn’t get the same benefit with the tailwind (Physicists, please explain). The course has twists and turns, especially the last 3km. Each direction change can reduce your speed for the same or greater effort.
So despite having a better than planned performance, my time was a bit slower than expected.
I’ve got the Gold Coast Half Marathon in two weeks, which will be a great comparison since that course is straight, flat and typically not super windy.
If you want to build consistent fitness, smash your PB and eliminate junk in your training, be sure to hit me up for some coaching 👊.
Follow my training and racing on Strava
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