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My job is to make faster runners and more informed coaches

Known as “The Running Science Guy”, Dr Will O’Connor utilises his PhD in sports science and experience as an elite ultra-athlete to help athletes and everyday people realize their potential.

Whether you’re struggling to get out the door, or you need help setting a new personal best, Dr Will O’Connor can help you achieve your goals.
“Ultra-endurance requires an extreme level of preparation. Not only do you need to devote your life to training, but you also need to maintain a healthy balance with the rest of your life to avoid injury or burnout. Staying healthy while exercising countless hours means doing all the little things right. Understanding the human body allows me to tailor my training and advice to match the individual needs of the people I work with.”

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Personalised Training Plan

Get your training and racing questions answered by an expert.

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Learn how to apply sports science to train more effectively

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Get 1-on-1 coaching with Dr Will for your next race or event.

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Rotorua, New Zealand


+64 27 331 6882


