Category: Heart Rate

  • Zone 2 Low Heart Rate Running IS FASTER! How to do it the RIGHT WAY

    Zone 2 Low Heart Rate Running IS FASTER! How to do it the RIGHT WAY

    šŸ›‘Stop ignoring your data āŒš, and start using that expensive wrist computer to optimise your running. šŸƒ Heart Rate ā¤ļøā€ running is the easiest way to build your base fitness. Are you using your heart rate monitor to its full potential? šŸ™„ Hereā€™s a simple, four-step strategy for strategically using a heart rate monitor for…

  • 80/20 Running – How to Use Polarized Training to Maximise Your Training Time

    80/20 Running – How to Use Polarized Training to Maximise Your Training Time

    Hereā€™s what your running probably looks like; You mentally sign up for an event but donā€™t actually sign up because thatā€™s a bit too much commitment upfront. Start trainingā€¦ without a plan. Or try some free generic plan from Garmin or whoever. Pretty much ignore the plan and run everything steady because easy running feels…

  • Unpacking the Mysteries of Grey Zone, Zone 3, and Junk Miles Running: A Guide for Runners

    Unpacking the Mysteries of Grey Zone, Zone 3, and Junk Miles Running: A Guide for Runners

    Running is a passion for many of us, but sometimes it can be unclear to understand the different terms and concepts related to training. This is especially true regarding the differences between the Grey Zone, Zone 3, and Junk Miles. If you’re a runner, it’s essential to understand these concepts to avoid making costly mistakes…

  • Am I Running Too Slow?

    Am I Running Too Slow?

    I doubt it. I can almost guarantee you are running too fast rather than too slow. Everyone thinks that performance comes from hard workouts. In reality, your best performances are predominantly dictated by your aerobic base. Not your ability to run 10x 1min fast. Running longer than 60min requires the ability to utilise fats maximally,…

  • A Higher Max HR Won’t Make You a Faster Runner (Lionel Sanders Example)

    A Higher Max HR Won’t Make You a Faster Runner (Lionel Sanders Example)

    Does maximum heart rate influence performance? Short answer, no. Cardiac output matters. Your maximum heart rate has a higher chance of DECREASING as you get fitter. Iā€™ll explain why. Absolute numbers mean nothing, and relative numbers mean everything. First, a recap of some important terms and science: Heart rate (bpm). The number of heartbeats per…

  • Heart Rate Training for Runners and Why You Feel Slow.

    Heart Rate Training for Runners and Why You Feel Slow.

    Running your next PB depends heavily on your aerobic energy system. From 5km upwards, 98% of your performance is fuelled by your aerobic energy system. When you run your easy-aerobic runs too fast, you add unnecessary and nonspecific stress to your physiological system. More often than not, the result is that your races never align…

  • Wellington Half Marathon Race Report

    Wellington Half Marathon Race Report

    1:13:18 – New Personal Best – 9th Overall Power = 384 Watts / 5.11 W/Kg (101%) Pace = 3:28 min/km (99%)HR = 172 Bpm (96%) Full TrainingPeaks data HERE I thought I would have been faster The race went perfectly. I hit all my numbers, didnā€™t slow down, had good legs, and was able to…

  • Using Data to Run a Faster Marathon

    Using Data to Run a Faster Marathon

    This is Steve. Steve entered a marathon, aiming to run it in sub 3 hours but ended up with a time of 3:06:36. But did Steve go out too hard? Ā Ā Ā  After running the first half of his marathon in 1:29:04, Steve followed up with a second half of 1:37:22, a decrease in average pace…

  • Should I Use Heart Rate or Pace for Running?

    Should I Use Heart Rate or Pace for Running?

    Both! I always cringe when I use the term ‘it depends’, but that’s the sports scientist in me. Zone 1 – Zone 3 = Heart Rate. Zones 1 to 3 are the only steady-state zones, which means your physiology can reach a relative balance of supply and demand. We can rely on heart rate to…

  • What I Learnt from Running 100km with a Power Meter (yes running).

    What I Learnt from Running 100km with a Power Meter (yes running).

    At the end of 2016, I ran the inaugural Taupo Ultramarathon 100km event along the stunning Great Lake Trail which runs from the western to the eastern side of Lake Taupo, New Zealand. This was to be my first ultramarathon and being a sports scientist I wanted to get as much data as possible. To…