Category: Race Reports

  • 2:37 Run-Walk Marathon – Walking Isn’t Cheating (Part Two)

    2:37 Run-Walk Marathon – Walking Isn’t Cheating (Part Two)

    I used my run-walk marathon method to finish in 2:37:49 at the Christchurch Marathon. An outright marathon PB for me. In part one, I wrote all about the theory behind the run-walk, so here I’ll stick to my thoughts on how I was able run my fastest marathon by walking for 6 minutes, and how…

  • Analysing My 2:39 Marathon | Learning From My Mistakes

    Analysing My 2:39 Marathon | Learning From My Mistakes

    Auckland Marathon 2022 was set to be my best marathon. My training had gone perfectly. Probably my best ten-week block of training EVER. I don’t think I missed a workout, and that wasn’t through being super addicted to training. I loved every run and only began to feel tired in my last ‘training’ week before…

  • Wellington Half Marathon Race Report

    Wellington Half Marathon Race Report

    1:13:18 – New Personal Best – 9th Overall Power = 384 Watts / 5.11 W/Kg (101%) Pace = 3:28 min/km (99%)HR = 172 Bpm (96%) Full TrainingPeaks data HERE I thought I would have been faster The race went perfectly. I hit all my numbers, didn’t slow down, had good legs, and was able to…