Category: Health
Analysing My 8hr 38min 100km Run
I had an amazing run at the Trail Trilogy 100km ultramarathon. Overall, I am incredibly happy with my effort and I am glad I implemented my 19-1 run-walk strategy, which I believe saved me on multiple occasions. HOWEVER, I felt like everything went to plan except for two sections. Looking back through my data, those…
Fasted Training
Here’s an exert from a paper written by Performance Advantage co-founder Professor Steve Stannard; “To ensure the most potent training stimulus, it has been argued that many training sessions should be conducted in the least performance-enhancing situation.Therefore recommendations aimed at ensuring optimal performance in a single bout of exercise, such as maximising carbohydrate intake and…
Triathlon Kick Impact Test
Why Kicking Matters to Triathlon Swimming intensity in triathlon has a direct effect on the athletes sequent bike and run performance. The legs are the obvious main contributors to forward propulsion in cycling and running, but this is not the case in swimming. As outlined by Professor Giorgio Gatta HERE “Swimming freestyle using your legs…
How to Avoid Blowing Up with Correct Pacing
Pacing in endurance sport is one of the most essential aspects of performance. Regardless of your ability, if you start the race beyond your level of fitness you will slow down at the end. The severity of how much you slow down (blow up) will depend on the race duration and how far beyond your…
Pre-race Low-Carbohydrate Glycogen Super-Compensation
During my PhD, I did one particular study in which I had highly trained athletes eat both a high carb diet and an ultra-low carbohydrate diet (similar to the ketogenic or Atkins diet) for 14 days. Two striking results came out of this study. Result Number One After almost two weeks of <80g of carbohydrate…
Ironman Training Advice
Starting Point First and foremost, a good starting point is to figure out a realistic time goal for each leg of the race. These goals should be based on a couple of points: Previous Races Look at your past triathlon results and find someone who has finished near you in each leg and who you…
The Science of the Long Run
The long run is a staple of any ultramarathon training plan, but there is also the “longest run”. But what is long? The long run is a staple of any ultramarathon training plan, but there is also the “longest run”. The longest run is “the big one” that is meant to test your physical and…
Dr Will’s 5 W’s for Carbohydrate Intake
Who, what, when, where, and why Who Endurance athletes, men and women, exercising for one hour or more. Athletes that are trying to get the best out of themselves in a given training session or race. Triathlon, kayaking, swimming, mountain biking, cycling, running, walking and any other endurance activity. What Carbohydrates are referred to as…
Burning Fat Vs Burning Carbohydrate: A Flawed Argument
The title of my PhD thesis is “Metabolic Flexibility and Endurance Performance”. The term Metabolic Flexibility is one that not a lot of people have heard in regards to the Fat Vs Carbohydrate debate. Here I’d like to introduce the reader to why you can’t use carbohydrate or fat, you must and always will use…
Improve Your Training Series- Slow Down
Do you find yourself validating a good session with average pace, power or peak heart rate? Do you find that even though you’re pushing yourself harder and harder, you don’t seem to be getting any faster? Stop training so hard. Do you find yourself validating a good session with average pace, power or peak…