Category: Health

  • Overheating Again: How Prior Heat Strokes Impact Runner Performance in the Heat

    Overheating Again: How Prior Heat Strokes Impact Runner Performance in the Heat

    Another running event, another heat stroke 💔 As a runner, we all know the feeling of pushing ourselves to our limits, but what happens when our body can’t keep up? It’s time to talk about the real consequences of overheating and why it’s crucial to listen to our bodies. Have you ever noticed that no…

  • Analysing My 2:39 Marathon | Learning From My Mistakes

    Analysing My 2:39 Marathon | Learning From My Mistakes

    Auckland Marathon 2022 was set to be my best marathon. My training had gone perfectly. Probably my best ten-week block of training EVER. I don’t think I missed a workout, and that wasn’t through being super addicted to training. I loved every run and only began to feel tired in my last ‘training’ week before…

  • What it takes to Run a sub-3hr Marathon | The Numbers AND The Workouts

    What it takes to Run a sub-3hr Marathon | The Numbers AND The Workouts

    “I want to run sub 3hrs. Is that realistic? “ I hear the 3hr marathon goal thrown around A LOT. A large pool of runners I work with are 35-45 year old working professionals. They come to me and say, “I want to run sub 3hrs. Is that realistic?” They’re often concerned they might have…

  • Training Zones for Runners. Let’s Make it Simple.

    Training Zones for Runners. Let’s Make it Simple.

    Speak the same language with training zones. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Strava’s default zones or an online Joe Friel calculator. Training zones can be equally beneficial to training prescription and training review. When I onboard a new runner, I’ll look at their ‘time in zones’ over the last month. Typically, I’ll see their…

  • Heart Rate Training for Runners and Why You Feel Slow.

    Heart Rate Training for Runners and Why You Feel Slow.

    Running your next PB depends heavily on your aerobic energy system. From 5km upwards, 98% of your performance is fuelled by your aerobic energy system. When you run your easy-aerobic runs too fast, you add unnecessary and nonspecific stress to your physiological system. More often than not, the result is that your races never align…

  • High-Intensity Interval Training for Runners. Unlocking Massive Gains.

    High-Intensity Interval Training for Runners. Unlocking Massive Gains.

    High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is often associated with some form of “4-minute fat burner” workout, which IS NOT what I am talking about. HIIT workouts consist of repeated bouts of high-intensity work performed above the lactate threshold (a perceived effort of “hard” or greater) or critical speed/power, interspersed by periods of low-intensity exercise or complete…

  • Why pro runners don’t care about their weekly mileage (and neither should you).

    Why pro runners don’t care about their weekly mileage (and neither should you).

    Pro runners don’t care about their weekly mileage. Lifting your weekly mileage by extending the duration of your runs or adding a weekly run could be ruining your chance of a new PB. If you’re out there training without a structured plan, adding more Kms onto your weekly schedule is the LAST option on your…

  • Wellington Half Marathon Race Report

    Wellington Half Marathon Race Report

    1:13:18 – New Personal Best – 9th Overall Power = 384 Watts / 5.11 W/Kg (101%) Pace = 3:28 min/km (99%)HR = 172 Bpm (96%) Full TrainingPeaks data HERE I thought I would have been faster The race went perfectly. I hit all my numbers, didn’t slow down, had good legs, and was able to…

  • Dispelling the Grey Zone Myth

    Dispelling the Grey Zone Myth

    “Whether you’re a weekend worrier or a full-time pro doesn’t matter. Slowing down to go faster is legit.” Key points Grey zone & zone 3 are different. Grey zone is any training that’s done too hard or without purpose. Grey zone training harms fitness. Listen to the full episode on the Performance Advantage Podcast Trap…

  • Dr Will’s Running Power Training Zones

    Dr Will’s Running Power Training Zones

    Here we go again, training zones! It feels like every scientist/coach wants their own personal training zone system, and I’m no different! “Ah Will, can’t you just use someone else’s training zones and make them work?” I’ve tried, but I’ve found it too frustrating and confusing for myself and the athletes I work with. Training…