Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Successful Training Plan

    Successful Training Plan

    6 Steps to a Successful Training Plan Do you get to the end of an event and feel somewhat unsatisfied, like you could have prepared better or you didn’t meet your pre-race expectations? This happens all of the time because athletes are forever overestimating their abilities and underestimating the demands of their event. I like…

  • Can I Run-Walk a Sub 2:40 Marathon?

    Can I Run-Walk a Sub 2:40 Marathon?

    The run-walk method is nothing new to running, and a lot of its notoriety can be credited to legendary running coach Jeff Galloway. However, I struggled to find not only the scientific reasoning behind the run-walk method but also any data on runners going under 3 hours using this method. Personally, I have successfully used…

  • Are You Avoiding Your Hard Workouts?

    Are You Avoiding Your Hard Workouts?

    If you’re always trying to complete a certain amount of training each week, you could be doing more harm than good. If you identify with any of these thoughts, read on. “I’m too tired to do an interval session today; I’ll do an hour easy instead.” “I just need to make sure I run at…

  • Base Phase Training

    Base Phase Training

    Base Phase Training The idea of a ‘base phase’ is to slowly and steadily build fitness and conditioning over weeks of consistent training. There is no need to include recovery weeks because your weekly training load should be set at a level that allows you to finish each week without too much fatigue. As you…

  • Cross-training for Endurance Athletes

    Cross-training for Endurance Athletes

    Cross-training can be a good addition to endurance training, but is it right for you? If you struggle with injuries in your chosen sport then cross-training will allow you to exercise more without the risk of injury. The goal is to exercise the body parts that aren’t injured. I.e. an injured runner can go swimming…

  • Minimalist Training or Volume Appropriate Training?

    Minimalist Training or Volume Appropriate Training?

    “I’m surprised with how good I felt considering I’ve hardly been doing anything.” Stress + Rest = Adaptation. The fundamental equation for the progression of any biological system. Whether you’re self-coached, coached or mentored, can or can’t go compete at the elite level you can always benefit from a differing point of view. This article…

  • Analysing My 8hr 38min 100km Run

    Analysing My 8hr 38min 100km Run

    I had an amazing run at the Trail Trilogy 100km ultramarathon. Overall, I am incredibly happy with my effort and I am glad I implemented my 19-1 run-walk strategy, which I believe saved me on multiple occasions. HOWEVER, I felt like everything went to plan except for two sections. Looking back through my data, those…

  • Fasted Training

    Fasted Training

    Here’s an exert from a paper written by Performance Advantage co-founder Professor Steve Stannard; “To ensure the most potent training stimulus, it has been argued that many training sessions should be conducted in the least performance-enhancing situation.Therefore recommendations aimed at ensuring optimal performance in a single bout of exercise, such as maximising carbohydrate intake and…

  • Triathlon Kick Impact Test

    Triathlon Kick Impact Test

    Why Kicking Matters to Triathlon Swimming intensity in triathlon has a direct effect on the athletes sequent bike and run performance. The legs are the obvious main contributors to forward propulsion in cycling and running, but this is not the case in swimming. As outlined by Professor Giorgio Gatta HERE “Swimming freestyle using your legs…

  • How to Avoid Blowing Up with Correct Pacing

    How to Avoid Blowing Up with Correct Pacing

    Pacing in endurance sport is one of the most essential aspects of performance. Regardless of your ability, if you start the race beyond your level of fitness you will slow down at the end. The severity of how much you slow down (blow up) will depend on the race duration and how far beyond your…

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