Frequestly Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

What do I get with ongoing coaching?

All levels of coaching include 1-on-1 catch-up sessions, training data reviews, fully personalised training plans, race pacing plans, private Facebook group access, and free webinars. The main aspect that changes between my coaching levels is the frequency of communication and level of analysis and feedback.

Check out the “What you can expect” on my coaching page.

What’s the difference between Silver and Gold?
A popular question from clients when trying to decide where to start. At the gold level, we will discuss your training every two weeks, and I’ll be regularly assessing your training sessions between catch-ups. Because I’m looking at your training data more regularly, I’ll typically have a better understanding of your abilities, and therefore I can offer an additional level of specificity to your training when compared to Sliver.

Is there a minimum commitment?

Yes, 12 weeks (three months). Because of the time and energy required to onboard a new client, I ask that you stay with me for a minimum of 12 weeks.

Do you have a team kit?

Of course! And as an ongoing coach client, you’ll get 50% off! #deal

Is there a Facebook group or something similar?

Yes. You get complimentary access to my Faster with Data Training Group (value $24/wk), which includes a Facebook group, webinars and Q&As.

How often can I message you?

Outside of our scheduled calls, you can send me a maximum of one email a week, unless you’re on the Platinum level, in which case you get full messaging access included in your service.

Do you only work with runners?

No. I work with all endurance athletes. While most of my clients are runners, I always have a couple of triathletes and cyclists in the mix.

Do you have any guarantees?
I’d like to guarantee you’ll get faster, but life happens! I can guarantee you’ll learn a ton about your training while working with me (and probably get faster😉).
Is there any way to try before I buy?
Kind of. I offer a 5-week trial period for 50% of my regular fee. After that time, you can choose not to continue, stay on at full fare, or upgrade/downgrade. You could also sign-up for the Faster With Data Training Group to get a feel for my training plans and coaching style before committing to ongoing coaching.
How do I cancel my coaching?
Generally, we’ll establish a review period every few months or after key events to discuss if you want to continue. If not, I’ll cancel or switch your membership, or you can do it via the customer portal.
Will you give me race plans, pacing strategies or nutrition plans?

Yep. The level of detail will depend on your level of coaching. But I’ll always give you target heart rate, pace and power zones for your upcoming races. I provide race nutrition plans, but not diet plans.

I’m not very fast, is that ok, or do you only work with fast people?

I’d love to work with you! If you’re keen to improve, I’m eager to help.

What happens if I get sick or injured?

If it’s a minor injury or sickness (1-2 weeks), I’ll adjust your training plan, and everything will more or less stay the same. If you’re off training for more than two weeks, I’ll offer to reduce your coaching fee by 50% for a couple of weeks or increase the frequency of our catch-ups since I won’t need to review your training or write a plan.

How many athletes do you work with? I.e. are you too busy for me?

I pride myself on offering a consistent, personalised service to my clients, so I like to keep my client list small. Around Twenty is my maximum. Sometimes, I’ll have a couple more when I know some clients are finishing.

Because I also offer online courses, training plans, and consultancy, I don’t need to solely rely on coaching for my income, which allows me to avoid needing 50+ clients.

Do I get access to your other content like courses, webinars, etc…?

You’ll have access to most of my short-form content, and I offer a loyalty rewards system for my online courses. Every six months, you’ll get a free course of your choice. This includes courses I’ve recorded for other platforms like TrainingPeaks, EndureIQ, and HIIT Science.

What if I need to make a complaint about your services or coaching?

Ouch. Hopefully, it never comes to that, but here is the process. In the first instance, you should reach out to me. If you’re not comfortable talking to me, I’d recommend using the Triathlon New Zealand complaints process as I am registered under their coaching guidelines.

Will you copy and paste your generic plans, or will my plan be fully customised?

Your plan will be fully customised. I’ll be writing workouts that are not only specific to you but also your location. I’ll get to know your local circuits, trails, and hills during our catch-ups and include them in your training plan.

Can I upgrade my coaching closer to my race if I need more help?

That will be space depending, but yes, the option will be available to upgrade for more regular feedback.

Are you always looking at my training? (Will I get in trouble if I miss a session?)

Unless you’re on the Platinum level of coaching, I can guarantee I will not be looking at your training every day.

I understand that most of my clients are busy working professionals, and their time is precious. I know it’s not through lack of trying if you miss a training session. Plus, I miss training sessions all the time!

Do you offer fix term coaching, like 6-months, 8-months, etc..

I’m happy to arrange a payment plan that works for you. If you’d like to pay for a block of coaching upfront, let me know, and I’ll set it up for you.

I’ve got more questions.

That’s cool. Email me at or reach out on social media @drwilloconnor.